jra lehet jelentkezni a 2010-es meznybe2009.08.09. 11:32, ANett
- j design, amit Mrs.Trulli csinlt nekem, a toyota-f1.gp szerkije, s szerintem csods lett ez a dizi^^ Ezer kszi:)
-jra lehet jelentkezni a 2010-es meznybe
Mivel szerdig nem rendezdtt a BMW Sauber jvje, gy a Forma-1 kereskedelmi szerzdst, a Concorde-egyezmnyt csak tizenkt csapat rta al. Ez egyben azt is jelenti, hogy egy kiad hely mg van a 2010-es rajtrcson, amire a Nemzetkzi Automobil-szvetsg most j plyzatot rt ki.
Az Autosport rteslsei szerint Max Mosley, a nemzetkzi szvetsg elnke levelet rt ht csapatnak, amelyek nem kerltek fel els krben a 2010-es nevezsi listra. A "tartalkok" most jra megplyzhatjk a Forma-1-es tagsgot.
Annak ellenre, hogy a BMW a mlt hten bejelentette, hogy v vgn kiszll a sorozatbl, az istllban hsz szzalkos rszesedssel rendelkez Peter Sauber mindent elkvet annak rdekben, hogy megmentse s sajt lbra lltsa a svjci kzpont csapatot. Az zletember azonban eddig nem jrt sikerrel, s sajt megltsa szerint a BMW is csak htrltatja.
Ettl fggetlenl nem kizrt, hogy az istll letkpes marad, m ekkor sem garantlt a helye a jv vi meznyben. A BMW Sauber utdcsapata a levlben rtestett ht csapattal egytt plyzhat a fennmarad egy helyre.
A "ptfelvtelin" az Epsilon Euskadi (a spanyolok vezetje, Joan Villadelprat rgtn a BMW bejelentse utn jelezte, kszek beugrani) s David Richards alakulata, a Prodrive indul a legjobb eslyekkel.
-Jenson takes on London Triathlon
Not content to take it easy during Formula One's summer break, Brawn GP's Jenson Button competed in the London Triathlon on Sunday 2 August to raise money for Make-A-Wish Foundation, one of the charities which the current Formula One World Championship leader supports.
Having competed in mini triathlons for the past couple of years as part of his training regime, Jenson took up competitive triathlon last summer when he competed in the Royal Windsor event in August.
The London Triathlon was an Olympic distance event including a 1.5km swim, 40km bike ride and finishıng with a 10km run. Jenson set himself the challenge of finishing in the top ten per cent of competitors at the event and was delighted to set a personal best time of two hours, seven minutes and two seconds on Sunday.
Raising a fantastic £17,000.00 for Make-A-Wish Foundation, Jenson commented: ''I had to wake up at 4.45am to get here this morning and I loved it. It's been my best ever Sunday morning! The London Triathlon is such an amazing event and it's great that triathlon is doing so well in the UK. Along with my engineers Shov (Andrew Shovlin) and Bono (Peter Bonnington) who took part in the sprint event on Saturday, we've trained so hard for this and I'm delighted to have achieved a personal best time. It's a real physical challenge to prepare yourself for the three different disciplines in triathlon. F1 drivers are pretty fit anyway but triathlon requires a lot of specialist training. I pushed myself to the limit and it's so different to driving a car because my heart beat is a lot higher when I'm running and swimmıng. It's great to do this because it shows how much the drivers have to train and that we don't just sit there and turn the wheel! Raising so much money for Make-A-Wish Foundation, the charity which I am a Patron of, makes me incredibly proud and I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who sponsored me. Your money really will make a difference to so many children.''
(Ha valakinek nem megy az angol, az szljon s szivesen lefordtom. Ha rsz a kommentekhez rd! kszi:))